This is my store method public function store(Request $request) { $this->validate($re...
Hey guys, wondering if anyone has had a problem like this. I have a solution (which I have not post...
I have a terrible query from a design that I inherited. Here it is.. SELECT, i.description AS...
Hi! I have a Organization model class Organization extends Eloquent { public function users()...
Helllo guys, I need solution I have Model Article with ManyToMany Relationship to Terms and I have M...
Please help me this question ?
i want to change login table in my project for this i tried to change model name in config/auth.php...
Hi all! Recently was assigned to us an "old" project on L4 , the project has a very poor d...
I have suborder table and the primary key is string format e.g. "10001-01". Each suborder...
Hi, I'm trying to build a dinamic web design with laravel 5.2 by following a tutorial that using lar...
Hi, I'm using Laravel 5.2 fresh install and use postgresql as the database. And I use "web"...
How to display last 2 month record without including display last month record.
0 down vote favorite First Blade View - Works fine {{Auth::user()->firstName}} {{Auth::user()->...
I have two models: Order and Item. There is a many-to-many relationship with a pivot table linking a...
I'm trying to run this query: $products = $this->product_model->where(function($query) use ($k...
Hi, I'm new to Laravel. I use the Laravel 5.2 default authentication; in App/User.php we have the de...
In this example: Tables Person id firstname lastname Company id companyname Item id attachedto_...
I have Property model and in it I have relationships with few other tables. Here is an example for t...
let assume there is a list of customers with routing like this: <ul> <li><a href=...
Hi guys, I'm trying to use something like my implementation of hasManyThrough query, could you pleas...
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