Hi, I have two models : Sale.php <?php class Sale extends Eloquent { public function groups() {...
Hello, I'm trying to load an Eloquent model with a polymorphic relationship. I want to get Photos th...
Hello there is this old thread here: http://forumsarchive.laravel.io/viewtopic.php?pid=52059 Someone...
Hi everyone! I'm new to laravel and I need some help with this problem. I have 2 tables posts and po...
Hi guys i'm trying to Load all Collection with Items inside Collection with Eager Load but i only wa...
I'm buidling a SaaS and have added a client_id column to each of my tables. Now in my repositories,...
Hi, I need to join one table into a query only if another condition is true. I try, using the exanpl...
The old forums either had no solution for this, OR said the issue was solved by switching to file ca...
WARNING: NASTY PROCEDURAL CODE AHEAD. Let's say I have an ajaxified to-do list app. I have this rout...
Hi guys, I have recently posted a new tutorial on something that seems to have been missed by the La...
I've been searching and hacking away for the past few hours now. I have a bunch of models. They're...
I've been building most of my database tables without the use of the schema builder. I need to creat...
Hi all, I'm still chipping away at learning Laravel. Coming along slowly though. :-/ In my db class...
Hi all :), First of all : I opened a help paste here describing the core of the problem. I did many...
I'm developing an application system. Breakdown is there are Events and Districts - the Application...
Trying to do this, but the "contains" method doesn't work... anyone know why, or how I sho...
users id follows id user_id follow_id posts id user_id let say i am user A and i followed user B. I...
I want the repository to be interchangeable, so I'm not dependant on Eloquent. I therefore have an i...
Check out my code here: http://laravel.io/bin/9n9 I have a working solution now as shown, but I'd li...
Is it possible to cache relationships with the remember function? $screen->Texts()->with('Tex...
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