How to create shoping cart in laravel 5 , i'm experience difficulty to make.? it please
Hello! I have a short but important question. I do use a lot of helper functions the have a cleaner...
I'm trying to track really simple social media stats for some companies. At this stage I'm largely s...
I am new to using Laraval so I apologize if this question is elementary. I'm running Laravel 5.2 usi...
I'm trying to use the model create option and this is my array: $result = array( 'match...
I want to make uri something like this : localhost:8000/products/productname Route::get('/products/{...
I previously asked this question on the Laracasts forums at
Hi, I wonder if it's possible to use non incremental ID on Laravel? What method shoul I overwrite? T...
Hi i'm new in laravel. I know that this is fairly popular problem. I've beenn searching for the solu...
This might sound a little bit silly, but I can't get Laravel-Excel to do a basic workflow: Open a fi...
Hello! I'm having an issue with one of my eager loaded relationship. I'm trying to get a Document an...
I have Entrust set up on an app and it is working well. I have 7 system-wide roles and several permi...
I've got a Laravel application (5.1.28) which I have running on a development server and production...
This is an example of route that I have in my app. Is good looking route or is there any bad practic...
My database structure looks like this: users id email ... projects id name ... project_user id...
Hi, I have the following models : class A extends Eloquent { public function b1() { retu...
I've currently no idea how to get this done in a smart way. I would like to prevent writing tons of...
Hi I've been searching around a little bit but cannot seem to find it. I have a a column in my datab...
I know this question was asked before and I have tried solutions from those posts but I still cannot...
Hi, I am having difficultly understanding how to return information from a distant third table. I ha...
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