So I have the following models : Category, Subcategory, Product, Color. A category has many subcateg...
i am trying to create an model event to track amendments.. the table structure uses a sequence field...
I am reading laravel 5.2 docs to implement many to many polymorphic relation in my Laravel Applicati...
I have prefixes setup for my database: "pmt_" for a couple of tables, i want to override t...
How can I validate on my pivot tables? For example I have a table and model 'project' and 'user' and...
Hi, Is there any way to get php code from a mysql table, and run it in a blade template?
Hello everyone. I need to create a feature of user following. So I could let users follow each other...
Hi All, I have two blocks used for searching for active users and all users. Is there a way I can co...
I have form in that a dropdown is containing country and state and on the basis of country id i'm fi...
how to make this query in eloquent : SELECT employees.*, FROM employees JOIN groups ON g...
If a user has articles and forum posts and comments, is the relationship polymorphic?? I want to let...
Im work test enviroment with laravel 5.2.*, mysql, homstead and having trouble with a MassAssignmen...
Hi, I'm currently using a union to jointly select search results from two tables. However, I'm strug...
I should validate if relationship exit when i create an enrtity. Example: A "Role" should...
Hi, I have an entity called genre and an entity called project, I have morphed a relationship from p...
Hello guys, I have model with these settings/methods: protected $casts = ['data' => 'object'];...
I'm trying to access an attribute of a nested object: $company->order()->first()->customer(...
Hi I tried to update my image path in MySql but i see some tmp file path in mysql and i dont have an...
This may be a question where 100 programmers have a 100 different answers but I was wondering if the...
I've setup a basic one to many relationship, linking users to addresses. /** * User Model * * @pr...
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