Hello, Can anyone please tell me how I can query my table for an email, username and another column...
I am getting the following error when I run an eloquent query: ERROR: operator does not exist: bool...
I have been facing problem for creating a database record using ajax! When i press create event, not...
I'm quite new here and are REALLY stuck on this. So i figured I could give this forum a try... I'm w...
Hey, i'm just starting to plan a laravel project. I have a User-, BranchOffice- and a Company-Model...
hi, \n i use save() function for saving detail of table and this is work when i want change default...
Hey everyone, we're trying to figure out how to do what I call "nested relationships" in L...
I have two tables, call them table1 and table2, corresponding to Table1 and Table2 models. Those two...
Hey, i have two relational tables, funs and user_votes, user_votes is saving votes for funs, likes o...
Hi, I have problem saving N:M relation data saving. Model 1 "Books": class Book extends \E...
http://laravel.com/api/master/Illuminate/Database/Eloquent/Model.html "where()" method is...
What am I doing wrong? I have a 'Category' model that is the model for my table 'categories'. In the...
i am using laravel 5.0 develop version class User extends Model implements UserContract, RemindableC...
Hi everyone! My very first post and I'm quite excited to be on board. Would just want to say that La...
Hello! I would like to learn how to integrate custom logic to a model property. For example, some re...
http://laravel.com/docs/eloquent class User extends Eloquent { public function phone(){ ret...
Hello. I'm still learning Laravel and I want to remove the row with lowest id from my database. I tr...
Hi, I would like to know, how to detect if X users is editing a data from the same page. For example...
I need to insert a student who belogs to a user table. I have something like: DB::transaction(functi...
I'm hoping there's some gurus out there when it comes to architecture and design patterns that could...
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