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Requests Eloquent Forms
Last updated 2 years ago.

I see you have the crossDomain: true set in your AJAX. Are you actually posting to another domain? Even though you set that to true, still may not allow by the browser. Using your browser network tools, does the request sent to the server respond with a 200 status, or is it being rejected (500 status)?

Also, you will likely need to set a header on the server to allow cross posting there as well.

Use with caution:

header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *');  

This need to placed in the top of your controller method before any other output is sent to the browser. This header allows AJAX requests to come from anywhere.

Last updated 2 years ago.

pickupman said:

I see you have the crossDomain: true set in your AJAX. Are you actually posting to another domain? Even though you set that to true, still may not allow by the browser. Using your browser network tools, does the request sent to the server respond with a 200 status, or is it being rejected (500 status)?

Also, you will likely need to set a header on the server to allow cross posting there as well.

Use with caution:

header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *');  

This need to placed in the top of your controller method before any other output is sent to the browser. This header allows AJAX requests to come from anywhere.

Heyy! well in the console i was getting the status of 500 after the post request, then i googled why it is so, so i learned to do crossDomain=true to avoid the error. So i did that, it worked too. Now when the post request is sent, there is no 500 status error, but the things actually doesn't work as i expect, the Database record creation in the database. Well the status shown is also 200 ok, i can't get why the database record is not getting created. I tried putting this header, doesn't work.

Last updated 2 years ago.

What other thing i noticed is when i run User::create command the record is getting created with ajax and doesn't throw 500 status error, but when i use Event::create it throws 500 status error, why so? Do i need to override something in my Event Model? Am i forgetting something?

Last updated 2 years ago.

POST http://localhost:8000/events
500 (Internal Server Error) jquery.js:26
Y.cors.a.crossDomain.send jquery.js:26
_.extend.ajax jquery.js:25
(anonymous function) main.js:14
_.event.dispatch jquery.js:25

Last updated 2 years ago.

Alright i solved the problem, what i did was, first i tried to create the event without ajax, and the time i was creating the event, it showed that 'Event' is some internal laravel command and so they cannot create the record, and hence i deleted all the migrations and Model 'Event.php' and replaced the Model with 'Events.php'.


class Events extends Eloquent {

protected $fillable = ['eventname','eventdesc','eventvenue'];

protected $table = 'events';


and then i created the migration again of the event table, not needed may be, but its good to be on safe side, i redo all the things related to the database.

And then in the controller i replaced Event::create with Events::create, lemme give you the whole code.

     class EventsController extends BaseController{

public function showEvents()
	return View::make('events.newevent');


public function postEvents()
		$token = Input::get('token');
		if(Session::token()!= $token)
			return "The token doesn't match!";				
			$eventname = Input::get('eventname');
			$eventdesc = Input::get('eventdesc');
			$eventvenue = Input::get('eventvenue');
			$event = Events::create( array(

			'eventname'		=> $eventname,
			'eventdesc' 	=> $eventdesc,
			'eventvenue'	=> $eventvenue,
			'remember_token'=> $token


				return 'The event has been created successfully.';

			return 'The event cannot be created.';


And then what i noticed was i had put the Route::post('/events') request in the ('before' => 'csrf') array, but i was actually taking care of that in the ajax request by passing the token and comparing it with the session token, so the main thing here is grab that out of the CSRF array, like this.






Actually this was the main culprit as i noticed, for the internal server error 500.

And also there is no need for crossDomain : true in ajax handling.

Improved js file is as follows :





var eventname = jQuery("#eventname").val();
var eventdesc = jQuery("#eventdesc").val();
var eventvenue = jQuery("#eventvenue").val();
var token = jQuery("input[name=_token]").val();

var req = jQuery.ajax({
	url : "/events",
	type: "POST",
	data : { eventname : eventname, eventdesc : eventdesc, eventvenue : eventvenue, token : token}






Happy Coding! :)

Last updated 2 years ago.

Hey Parthchokshi,

I am trying to implement your above explained code in my project for testing pourpose, but no luck man.

#view :- test.blade.php

	<script src="//"></script>
			$('#category').change('select', function()

					type: "POST",
					url : "test",
					data : "user_id="+$("#category").val(),
					success : function(data){

	<form id="user_form" method="get">
		<?php $user_list= array('' => '--- Select  Category ---')
		+User::lists('name', 'id') ?>
		{{ Form::select('category', $user_list,NULL ,array('id'=>'category')) }}
	<div id="userInfo"><b>User info will be listed here.</b></div>



	return View::make('test.test');

Route::post('test' ,'test@post_index');

#controller:- test.php


class test extends \BaseController {

	public function post_index()
		$data = Input::all();

			echo "<table border='1'>

			echo "<tr>";
			echo "<td>" . $user->name . "</td>";
			echo "<td>" . $user->email . "</td>";
			echo "<td>" . $user->create_at . "</td>";

			echo "</tr>";

			echo "</table>";

			return 1;


.htaccess file

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    <IfModule mod_negotiation.c>
        Options -MultiViews

    RewriteEngine On

    # Redirect Trailing Slashes...
    RewriteRule ^(.*)/$ /$1 [L,R=301]

    # Handle Front Controller...
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteRule ^ index.php [L]

I am getting below ajax response from server:- 301 Moved Permanently

AJAX seems to be nightmare for me. :( Please guide me ... thanks in advance.

Last updated 2 years ago.

Hi All, If I am using GET method, my code is working fine.

#view :- test.blade.php

    <script src="//"></script>
            $('#category').change('select', function()

                    type: "GET",
                    url : "my_test",


    return View::make('test.test');

Route::get('my_test' ,'test@get_index');

#controller:- test.php


class test extends \BaseController {

    public function get_index()
        $data = Input::all();

Any clue man? Its wired.. what's wrong with post method? In both method I am not using slash '/' in end of URL.

Last updated 2 years ago.

Heyyy! Sorry, i wasn't around for these many days!

Some Solutions, some seems nonsense, but works sometimes!

Firstly have you set local server, because these issue comes with the server management. However, remove Request::ajax() and then try. Use absolute URL. use URL : "/test" instead of "test". Its good to set up a server instead of file:/// , this kinda URL.

Last updated 2 years ago.

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