The fill method of Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model is used for mass assignment, and it is called...
Hi, I have But I need to get
Hi, So we have a new project that will be used by multiple hospitals to have web-based doctor channe...
Hi folks, i have an issue about a derived table from a pivot table. Here is my schema: locale id nam...
I've created a user relationship similar to that of twitter. This is a self referencing many-to-many...
Hey, I want to cache my queries like getting all projects assigned to a user. I use ->remember(36...
I just started using laravel, and I am trying some code. $candidate1 = ot_Candidate::where('id', '='...
Right now, when I do something to the database that could fail... such as add a new record where the...
Can someone tell me how this code fails even though I am catching the PDOException? https://gist.git...
I am looking for help in grabbing data the proper Laravel way. An existing site is being converted t...
Hey guys, having troubles with second level relationship I got it figuring out how one to many works...
I need to display informations in a table that can be sort by columns. I'm using a eager load query...
Hey, i got a rather complex query, and i would like to transform it with eloquent/query builder. I w...
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