Hi! In my work I need to show on page for all routes instead of /api route, for example Route::g...
Hi! Since Laravel 5, it is interest to me - how to register and use console command from package in...
Hi to all! When I use cmd command php artisan make:command FooCommand i get runtime error from thre...
Hi to all! I want to create a test package. As in example, my test service is located in "vendo...
Hi, everyone! In my model I use validation and localization of validation error message, s.e. class...
Some links for you https://github.com/Anahkiasen/polyglot https://github.com/dimsav/laravel-transla...
Problem solved Route::any('{all?}', 'HomeController@index') ->where('all', '.+');
I found a decision, it was simple: in registerInstallCommand() add $this->commands('command.etern...
Problem solved. It's my oversight )
I found http://kodeinfo.com/post/laravel-4-5-package-development and http://stackoverflow.com/questi...
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