How would I achieve this? I am confused weather to use onetomany, hasmany, belongsto? Help me out.
Is there a way to catch the table names if I run migration from a controller?
I want to show data from database: for every id_grup has many lapangan(court) $groups_resource...
<?php namespace App; use Cviebrock\EloquentSluggable\Sluggable; use Illuminate\Database\Eloquen...
Hello, I'm busy learning Laravel. How can I add an id to a row in a datatable in laravel 5.3? The id...
I'm working on an app written in laravel 4.2, running on mysql 5.5. After an upgrade of mysql to ver...
Hello Everyone, I am troubling creating relationship between employees, departments and emp_dept tab...
Hello, using eloquent as stand alone in my app. Trying to select two columns and return an array whe...
SELECT DISTINCT user_id FROM picks WHERE weeknum = 1 I'm having a hard time finding examples using &...
Hi All, I have build a simple Scout function with Algolia. However, if there is relationship with ot...
I have a Restaurant model with many Location models. Location models can have many Menu models. Menu...
So. This is one of those "Well that escalated quickly" type projects. You start with basic...
Btw. I'm using Lumen I have a table of events which have a LAT and a LNG each. Then I want to delive...
Hello, I'm trying to define a relationship where one user has many different roles. An user can sign...
Hi. I'm aware that this was often asked for in the past. There are basically two solution's that can...
In my User model, I have an appends fields: protected $appends = [ 'is_admin' ];...
Guys, good night. It's OK? I have a question that is difficult to solve. How would I make this query...
Ok so I have a table called payments which has two sets of polymorphic fields:- parent_id parent_typ...
Hi, I know , that exists way how to login users by theirs ids: Auth::loginUsingId($user_id) but how...
I have following tables: users (classic laravel table) events user_events in user_events I insert...
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