Hi, I'm having problem to view data using db::select. Here is my full sql statement [Tested and retu...
Hey guys, In Laravel 5.4 i am using TCPDF to generate a PDF with Data from Database. Very simple: It...
Im pretty new with laravel, can you guys help me to solve my problem, please. I have 5 tables: skill...
First of all... im pretty new to this framework. And i love it so far... I have a custom query, sear...
here is the scenario, I need a table called product and another table called product_image and they...
jessicaervin liked this thread
I have some tables for enums that I want to store in the database. Is there a good way to handle thi...
Hi, I'm a new developer in Laravel. I made a Portfolio Management system in Personal Banking for our...
let's say the first record for adm_no: 1 , subject_id :1 and had a score of 35 and a second score fo...
I have use Laravel\Cashier\Billable; use Prettus\Repository\Contracts\Transformable; use Prettus\Rep...
I am fairly new to laravel and I'm trying to build an 'add to basket' script. It consists of 3 table...
Hello guys, I'm using Laravel for a while and I love it :) It's my first post here, so I'd like to s...
Hello guys! I got a problem that I'm not managing to solve. I have a model called "Jogo" t...
I have these tables categories id name sectors id name applications id category_id sector_id name...
Hi guys, I'm using FindMany to retrieve a bunch of records from my database that matches an array of...
Hello, I'm trying to create a system that will link multiple images with posts, for example, I want...
Hello, This is my first attempt at writing a server provider. Any help would be deeply appreciated....
I have a polymorphic relationship issue that i'm trying to solve. But i dont know how to go about it...
Hi! Im using jwt.auth middleware in my routes like this: Route::post('/login','AuthController@Login'...
I am taking data from a junction table and want to chunk by id but the method is not recognized. Her...
A page has multiple elements and they are linked using the page_to_elements table. Each element has...
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