Hello I need to remove null coming from database , after using this code $school_dropdowns = DB::tab...
How do i use Eloquent to search for newest and oldest records from the database.
Hi, I am using Eloquent with Codeigniter, and I have a model that has multiple one to many and many...
Hey, I'm having a hard time compiling the DB:: or preferably Eloquent code for a query that involves...
Hi. I faced with some problems on my Laravel project. Script works correctly on WAMP but when I uplo...
My Eloquent model Module has many Sections. I can query thus: Module::with('sections')->get();...
Just updated a Laravel project from Laravel version 5.4 to 5.5. Just after that getting the followin...
I have a relatively large number of records that will need to be updated once a minute (anywhere fro...
Hi, having this relation public function programs() { return $this->belongsToMany...
How to get Image from MS SQL Server Database. Column DataType: Image ?
Hello guys , does some one could help me ? I am developing a real estate website , something like th...
can anyone help me in getting this done correctly ? I have asked question on Stack over flow and tri...
I use PostgreSQL with partitioning by one table. Here's my quesrtion. Is there any way to query ONLY...
How would I do the following query using query builder? Preferably without using any raw sql :-) SEL...
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How do I orderBy a field that's in a related table as in: DB::with('relatedTable')->orderBy('rela...
I have these models: Post, Category and User. My goal is to show a paginated and sortable table disp...
Hello. So I have these Models: Product - for example, a t-shirt ProductVariant - for example, a XL-s...
i wont to make this query : SELECT w.wilayah, a.penerima FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT w...
Hi, Has anyone managed to count data from 2 tables down a relationship Normally you would do it with...
My Category model public function firms() { return $this->belongsToMany('App\Firm'); } My Fi...
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