Есть таблица produkts. У этой таблицы есть связи "многие ко многим" с 3 другими таблицами...
I created this method : public function vcListAndSegmentCount() { $valuechainLists = Valuechain::sel...
I'm going insane. I have a query that needs to use a join and eager loading. The join needs to occur...
I have several tables (all of them with softdeletes and timestamps : created_at , updated_at , delet...
I have two models MediaProfile and MediaProfilesContent. MediaProfile has many MediaProfilesContent...
When i create a model, for example with the Model::create() method its necesary to check if the mode...
Unit Model: namespace App\Models\Qualification; use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model; class Unit...
Hello, I started to learn Laravel and I have a problem. I want to query questions from the database...
I want each slideer has eight products <div class="carousel-inner hidden-xs" role="listbox">...
There are 3 tables. First one is orders: After example order: class Order extends Model { // Tab...
$data = StoneType::with(['user'=>function($query){ // 每个取 2 条 return $query-&...
Hey! I have a problem with my application. Some methods of eloquent not working. When I use method f...
I'm trying to figure out the best way to define a relationship from one model to another where the r...
We have a product SaaS let's say eCommerce. All user created shops and products are stored in single...
Is there any way to search encrypted data? I have tried as below, but always end up as record not fo...
Hi, public function belongsToMany($related, $table = null, $foreignKey = null, $relatedKey = null, $...
Hi, For a model I need to use an email value instead of the user_id value Normaly you would do it li...
I have a table that's got: tableA.id, tableA.related_id, tableA.sort_date [and other fields irreleva...
l am getting the error above when trying to get the merchant at a particular user id. Here is my vie...
I have an app that has Categories, Boards, and Pins Models. A category has many boards and has many...
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