i want to get the result of code below in laravel query builder or better still eloquent Adding the...
Hi, I have this request : $sale = Sale::where('alias', '=', $alias)->first(); What is the best pr...
Hi ! I use this package and queue of Laravel 5.4. When I dispatch a job, I have an error : Next Ill...
I have this error with moloquent/moloquent package. composer require moloquent/moloquent My Item cla...
Hello, I am having a issue with a morphOne relationship where it is creating new entries rather tha...
Here are my migrations Schema::create('technologicals', function (Blueprint $table) { $...
i want to display data from two controllers in one view? is possible? please answer me. thanks.
maryam liked this thread
Hi everybody, This is my first question to any forum ever, so please excuse me for any mistakes. I a...
Hello, i have this error ErrorException in f464710e74e7c0526bc0688fb16d954a0df3c98d.php line 10: Try...
I have a system where a User has Shops and Shops have Products. Now a Shop can have many Products, a...
I've got this : $location = \App\Location::find($location_id)->with('items','items.vendor...
The InteractsWithPivotTable trait has public methods such as newPivotStatement and newPivotStatement...
I'm totally confused how to do this with eloquent relationships. I think logically I understand how...
Hello, I search to count subscriber by day with Eloquent. Have you got the solution with a code? Fri...
I want to know if I can use this: User::update($id,array( 'username '=>Input::get('username'...
Hi, If there is a way in laravel 5.4 to make tracing log of all sql statements? I mean Barryvdh\D...
I have two tables one is templates and the other is template_images Showing migration of the two tab...
DB::connection('mongodb') ->collection('XXXXXXXX') ->get(); [{"_id":{"$oid"...
I have made two table -navigation_groups -navigation_links relations to these tables has also been a...
Hi, I've just discover this fantastic function. But I have a little problem. I need to update a fiel...
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