I’m struggling to get the relations right for some reason on some tables I’m trying to setup today....
Hi, I'm using PhpStorm 2016.3.3 version and in my dashboard.blade.php file, I have the following cod...
Hi! I have a relationship with Users and Events. Its a one to one. But I am trying to return all use...
I have a very simple Eloquent search form built into my application and I want to prevent when a use...
I cannot figure out why im not allowed to insert a null or empty while SQL default is set got this e...
Which is the inverse relation of hasManyThrough? like in example: Country -> User -> Post in c...
class Order extends Model { public function sms() { return $this->belongsToMany(...
Hi ... I need to make an appointment and I'm not sure how to do it. I need to know which model1 is r...
hi i have a table with Business and for all biz i have a latitude and longitude i have the latitude...
I am trying to use the package with my CodeIgniter project by following the instructions given in re...
Hi, I'm working with Laravel 5.5 and MySQL 5.7 and I have a table that stores travels data with orig...
Is there any benefit to the following 2 pieces of code in a model class? Which one should I adopt an...
Hi guys. Again, it might be just me, and maybe I’m expecting too much from the framework, but does a...
My code has Json Column named: json for Custom User Fields. I want my datatable to get that json col...
Hello, In my work I regularly played with date & time with some date start & end (or valid f...
So i've got two objects, a Client and Project, there is a hasMany relationship from the client to th...
Hello, i'm Andrea, the owner of codetutorial.io. I've recently posted a tutorial on how to create a...
I am working in a project where the users have a rate plan associated. When a new user is created, a...
I am very new to eloquent and I am not using it within Laravel, but I don't think that it matters in...
Hello, first of all sorry for my bad english.. I have a problem with model relationships, i cant acc...
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