What is the best way to send a file as a multipart form programmatically with Laravel? I don't need...
0 down vote favorite I am using Administrator (frozennode) with Sentry . for permission part when I...
Hi there, in my application I want to return a paginated list of users. I would also like the number...
I don't know how to name the thread better than that, what I need is this: I have a master blade fil...
I'm trying to use the Listify package on a pivot table. Listify simply manages an integer column pos...
Is there any place that shows real world examples of Relationship querys and fetching associated dat...
An Owner has many Cars... And in my blade page I have this... {{{$car->Owner->name}}} And tha...
hi, here's the show method of my SiteController, it shows a site resource as a json to any user who...
HI i searched Google but did not find anything about this and i never had this error before in Larav...
I'm trying to figure out the easiest and most effective way up updating hasMany() and belongsTo() re...
Hi! Just started using Laravel (4.1.30) for a project at work. So far it's just amazing, totally hoo...
Let's say we have a custom base model (For the purpose of readability let's assume that this has all...
I am converting a site with 50+ tables, some have 35+ columns and setting up the controller / views...
How do I go about using foreign keys in eloquent. I am building a forum application, just so I can g...
Hi, this is my first post. I'm pretty new on Laravel and I've a question about some query I've to do...
Hello! I'm creating new model using the mass assignment: $item = Item::create($itemAttributes); dd($...
Hi guys, I have a table with records created per specific action, I am trying to count records per d...
I'm using this example from the documentation: '$users = User::with(array('posts' => function($qu...
What is the schema for the database table to store Array or stdObject in a column ? When I use ->...
Hi all, I have 2 tables: posts and comments. Each post has many comments (one-to-many relationship)....
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