What is the correct way to find a related object based on a where clause with Eloquent ORM? For exam...
Good afternoon, guys, i'd ask you something new about findOrFail method. I was tried to select a use...
Hello Every One, I am working on a web application ,which takes json as input and display it on web...
Can someone please tell me why assigning the content of another variable to the protected $table var...
Previously I was using raw SQL statements in a non-Laravel environment so this is a port from that t...
I am currently doing this: if ( $article = Article::where('url', '=', $url)->count() > 1 ) { e...
Hey, not sure how this is done using Query Builder? I want to do something like this: getDetails($id...
I have this complicated database with many tables related to each other. Eloquent makes my life easi...
When calling the following select how do you return it as JSON $users = DB::table('users')->g...
Hello, I have a table which contains a datetime field like this: (2014-07-30 16:54:12) That table de...
Is there a way to define check constraint clauses within schema builder? Thanks!
I am using laravel 4.. Receiving error "Symfony \ Component \ HttpKernel \ Exception \ NotFound...
I am doing a simple SQL statement $userExists = DB::table('users')->where('email','=', $email)-&g...
I also asked this in stackoverflow, if you wanna see better the code here is it> http://stackover...
I am using Auth::attempt($credentials, $rememberMe) for login user. It was working fine but suddenly...
I am trying to fill an Eloquent model with attributes from user request. The fillable array is prope...
I am trying to save a many-to-many relationship values using push. What I am doing is: $user = new U...
I have tables: Users, Pages, Posts [ One user may have many pages and posts ] User table structure '...
Hey, I'm new to Laravel but I've done quite a bit of searching and could not find any clear solution...
I built a tool that creates usernames and a custom-encrypted password and inserts them into a MSSQL...
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