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Installation Configuration Laravel
Last updated 2 years ago.

Hi, I would recommend you to set up a git repository, if not already done.

  1. Initialize git on your project folder.
  2. Make a pull request to the repository.
  3. Using Composer Install/Update composer.
  4. .env and .htaccess files may not be pulled so configure them up manually
  5. You should be ready to go. Check for server logs if the problem persists and post them here someone would be able to help you.

Good luck :)

Last updated 7 years ago.

What you need to do is, Setup a laravel app in the public folder of server. And create a new folder in the public folder of laravel. And there you can setup another laravel app.

  1. upload project on public_html/new directory and check permissions for folders and file folder: 0755 files : 0644

  2. Try clearing cache: php artisan cache:clear and php artisan config:cache

  3. check your .htaccess is pointing to correct index.php file.


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