Hey guys, today I found out the laravel validator provides a filled method, but it's not present in...
I have changed format date that way: BaseModel.php: use Carbon\Carbon; class BaseModel extends \Elo...
Hello, i have created a master layout and extending it to a child view this way: master.blade.php (s...
Laravel 4 TwigBridge: https://github.com/barryvdh/laravel-twigbridge This packages adds Twig as a La...
So for my website I have been using a layout structure in where each page pulls the main layout. Thi...
Lets say I have a table with notifications and in text body I want to have link to login page, can I...
Hi guys, I'm planning to develop a multi tenancy application which allows users to modify their own...
Hi, I have a master template working but its not quite a true master. There is one page on on my sit...
I have a master.blade.php, which establish the framework of the entire website. I divided the screen...
routers.php: // login controller Route::post('login', 'LoginController@login'); LoginController.php:...
Hello, i am new to laravel and I'm trying to make an application for my upcomming web about programm...
In my view I am displaying an array of items with their prices and etc. I want to check it that item...
So as my application grows in complexity, there are many forms that have jQuery event driven conditi...
Hi, Is it possible to specify a variable as part of the name of lets say a submit button? Like this:...
Hi, I'm new to Laravel and I installed it on a Ubuntu server recently trying to test the framework....
Is calling a model or executing a database query from the view, a bad practice or should the variabl...
Does anyone have experience with Laravel and Google Web Starter Kit? What would be the best practice...
Hi! I am making a newsfeed for my application using the strategy pattern because the list contains d...
I've seen several suggestions on how to create helpers for Blade: Use global functions, create a cla...
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