Hey there, I am stumped on why my query is sending me back the full object when I do $date->exhib...
Hi, I am building a report system and we need to make overviews, statistics and others like that. Us...
Hi everybody, I'm currently scripting a website were people can rate beers, nothing big just for the...
Hello, I've been working for a while with laravel components and to be honest, they are good and sma...
I am continuing working on my app. I have my users table setup with auth. I am working on the profil...
Hi guys, I have 2 models: Player and Team. The relationship is: Team has many players. So, in my tea...
Hi All, I'm having a problem with using Iron.io queues. Just calling Queue::marshal() is throwing up...
Hey guys! Scratching my head a bit here. I'm hoping you lot can point out what I'm doing wrong. I ha...
Hy everyone, does anyone have a clue why my migration throws an error exception "strtolower() e...
So I made the rookie mistake of putting a dash in the name of my MySQL database (ie My-Database ). A...
whem i am implementing one to one relationship in laravel i am getting this error. so pls anyone giv...
I have defined the following two Models: Question.php: <?php class Question extends \Eloquent {...
Running into this odd little issue here with a ORM query. Let me first define how my models are stru...
Hello! I need to do a search by criteria... I have many products, so.. need to show show only the p...
Hey folks, i don't know if this is maybe a bug. I have a User and links. One User has many links. I...
Hello Everyone I want to show current inserted id from controller. This is my code $comp = new C...
Hello everybody, I have a list of topics with a toggle On/Off to get a notification for the topic or...
So, I'm working on adding some functionality to the front page of a site that I'm working on. The us...
Hi! I created a morphMany relation, the related class is in sub folder and the type inserted in data...
I have an insert and delete statement, both contain a nested selected and Laravel won't run them, no...
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