Hello, I have started my first Laravel 7 project. If I want to start a database with it I get an err...
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Hi . I just create a migration to add a column to my "cvs" table , but when I run migrate...
I have a model with those methods: public function waiting() { return ! is_null($thi...
I have tow database connections, `'mysql' => [ // connection information ],...
Hi there . I have two databases (Master) and (Slave) how can I configure l...
I am trying to build web app with laravel that help me to save daily costs and the total for every m...
Hello, I connected to my database in PHPStorm (in Data Source and Drivers using General and SSH/SSL...
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Can Someone Help Me with This https://stackoverflow.com/questions/60236757/cannot-save-data PLease H...
I need to copy a multi parent and its children and its children's children. I don't want to do a for...
Hi, I'm currently having the following problem that $eloquentEntity->relation->count() and $el...
Hello. I'm learning Laravel using Homestead. I'm following the "Laravel 6 From Scratch" vi...
Hello, On my project, every user has his/her own database, so, to mass assign forms I need to set th...
hi everyone, im have some relations in my DB and heres the relatin i'm working with: $category = Cat...
Hello, First of all I'd like to say that I have no other choice but using SQL Server ( and IIS as we...
Hey everyone, I have a question. How do you handle versioning and breaking changes (Especially datab...
Hi Guys I have three tables in my database customer, sales, payment . A customer can have many Sales...
I'm experiencing trouble with a relationship (5.7). I do have data separated in two databases, which...
Two table authentication using passport for customer api and admin api
Hi I'd like to introduce an intelligent alternative version of Laravel 5/6 Database Migrations Featu...
Hello, I'm trying to set up a hasOneThrough relation on one table. But Eloquent will not look it the...
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