How can I use globals in methods? I know that in views we can type for instance {{url}} and url of w...
{!! Html::image('images/penguins.svg', 'Very powerful SEO penguins',['class' => 'penguins']) !!}...
Hi all, i need to create a drag and drop sorting with jQuery Ajax. Once i drop an element, i do an a...
Hi guys, i'm trying to understand what wrong with my facade code. I create a new facade called Ajax...
Hello, I was just wondering (and I need to know that), how to call corectly this HTML, what is used...
I have a table like this: <tbody id="responds"> @foreach($animals as $animal...
Hi, I've been trying to find a solution as to my title. Does anyone have an example or guide on how...
Hello, I found this tutorial : an...
Hello Guys. I recently added HTML class by using composer to Laravel 5, but HTML::image() method ret...
Hi, sorry if this is more of a Bootstrap question than a Blade question per se, but I am using it in...
I am not sure what I am doing wrong here. I am using guzzle 4 with twitter api. and when I try and r...
I am newbie to laravel and using V-5 of it. Following is action of controller: public function creat...
I was doing this <title>{{$name}}</title> in my layouts page. so each page would...
Hello everyone! I am new to Laravel. and got confused on how to do some things. I need help in this....
I have two related entities in Laravel, client and client user. A client can have multiple number o...
Hi all, I'm trying to include a blade template but as a single line. (
I'm having a hard time getting my dynamic menu to work, it seems the array returned by database is n...
Hello everyone, Is it possible to use a variable to extend a blade view ? My idea was to create bloc...
This is what I was looking forward to validate (Doesn't work): @if('/auth/', preg_match(Request::pat...
I have middleware setup to minify html and it works like a charm. I have the 404.blade.php page loa...
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