Hi guys, Hope you can help me with this simple query. I have this function. public function CapT...
I cannot send mail through laravel. I have changed the .env file, mail file and also changed the smt...
When using both 'touchspin' and 'ichecks' to theme text and checkbox fields with the form also being...
I am getting this Undefined offset error when attempting to access an element in a nested array with...
Hi all! Can anybody help me? thanks a lot http://stackoverflow.com/questions/37624038/how-do-i-parse...
Im building a master page, and atm Im trying to check if a section exists before yielding so i can y...
Model class Domain extends Model { protected $guarded = []; public function clients() { return $th...
hello, I have a little idea, if I have many modules with logic menu in every modules, can that menu...
I'm planning to remove @yield in my default.blade.php when the user is authenticated. How can I do t...
I have 2 models class BrandModel extends Model { protected $table = 'brand'; public functi...
I have default blade , it will have 3 section and one yield content as like below <div id="w...
Artisan display an "K" in all commands and I got the same "K" in my site. E.x: k...
I am new to Laravel, so sorry if this is a simple question. I am trying to incorporate high charts i...
Laravel: 5.2.32 Browser: Chrome latest stable The CSS is not being updated, even though the file ret...
Hi, We'll start on a new laravel project within a few weeks, and need some thought from you about ca...
Can anyone help me? thanks http://stackoverflow.com/questions/37316393/get-data-from-database-and-di...
Hello @all, I'm using Laravel 5 ACL and Policies. I want to check a "create" permission in...
Good day, Am trying t return a view from login valdiation but an error keeps showing "No query...
I'm trying to create a link that if you click on it, then it will export the values in the database...
Hey, I'm sort of new. As you can see in the first panel, I list each manaul as a tab. The second pan...
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