my controller public function create() { //$cities = City::lists('name' , 'id'); $cities...
What is the best approach to display data in Alphabetical order using Laravel. what is the best way...
I have a folder structure like this: -app --modules ---Account ----Views ----layout.blade.php ----a...
I am looking for a way to customize the logic that is already in place within the application (using...
Hi my first question ever. I'm looking for a way to render a block of html to every view...
Hi, I've been looking for a solution to implement user and roles in my laravel app. So far nothing h...
I have a form with html table in my view. How do I get all data from the html table to my controller...
Hi, I have a condition check to perform, whether the particular logged in user has values, if there...
I have users table and profiles table. One to one relation. I have one view to show both user and pr...
i want to display data from two controllers in one view? is possible? please answer me. thanks.
maryam liked this thread
Hello, i have this error ErrorException in f464710e74e7c0526bc0688fb16d954a0df3c98d.php line 10: Try...
Anyone who knows AngularJS AJAX HTTP calls, please look over my code. I am stuck in a problem. I tri...
I am having problems running angularJS ajax http post script in laravel. If i put files in htdocs, t...
Hello I am building a website (front-end and back-end) where I have a section that have an image and...
I'm trying to sort with Jquery UI in Laravel and it's giving me fits. Here is my controller: public...
Howdy, wonderful community! I'm seeking opinion from developers who've developed for both WordPress...
Hey, If my current day is Tue, then I want the output to be Mon, Sun, Sat, Fri, Thu, Wed. i.e name o...
I have group of checkbox which I add to database as an array [1,2,3] everything going OK when I addi...
I have a table(displayTable) that display data from my db of am using laravel on the i have a link...
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