I'm new to laravel and I'm busy with a tutorial, I had to create an about page and the make a route...
I have the following route: Route::get('/gallery', function() { return View::make('hello'); }); If...
i try to populate the data from database in to PDF file in dompdf i tried something like this. class...
Hi, I'm totally new to Laravel. I'm trying to follow the example on the "Routing" section...
Hi, I am having an issue with removing active class from link, But first... I have created a Restful...
Hi guys, I'm pretty new to Laravel (a couple of weeks in) although I've used Yii and regular PHP for...
For each day i have start and end time with hours and minutes. Can someone help me with that kind of...
For some reason this does not work, can someone please look at this and see what I'm missing? untold...
I have a bulletin system where posts can be made. What I need right now is a way to pull in the name...
Having a resource controller, there are the default representations of the used models as a website...
I have a hard time putting this into words so bear with me please. Let's say I have a webpage that n...
Hi guys, I'm following the docs to create a resource controller at http://laravel.com/docs/controlle...
I have a serious problem. I have 3 models Role Model: <?php class Role extends Eloquent{ /** *...
I had this idea a few months ago, but it's only now that I'm in a position where I'd be interested i...
I am trying to echo some date information in one of my views in my own language. I use mb_internal_e...
Hey everyone, I have a questions about dynamic loading of css/jscript assets from a directory altern...
0 down vote favorite Hi i am laravel 4 begginer. i try to use Artadek/OAuth-4-laravel package Everyt...
Hi, I am trying to do a simple POST request using jQuery AJAX, but cant figure out whats wrong. Here...
Is there a way to redirect back to a page but activate a certain tab ? I am trying to submit a diffe...
Hello, I have strange situation, when i have route like this: /* index */ Route::get('/', array( 'a...
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