Hi everyone :) I'm having a problem with determining a owner of a model. The application is supposed...
This isn't working, and maybe it's not possible, or maybe I'm close? $allcars = $user->cars()...
Hi, my L4 apps runs in MySQL, and all my user accouts are in SQL-Server. I would like create a basic...
Hello Forums, I seem to be having a wee bit of trouble, well, I mean, a lot of trouble with attempti...
Hi, When I save a model, I want to validate its contents; I use a validator and a protected array of...
Anybody know how create this SQL with Query builder: SELECT * FROM (SELECT * FROM 005_056_cola_envio...
Hi, I have update the composer.phar today, and since that, all the methods in the model files don't...
Hey guys I had some doubts and concerns about using an HMVC approach with Request::create() so I did...
How well does Laravel (or more so PHP) handle integrating with databases where the table/column name...
In my controller I'm trying to delete a record from a table and the only message I get back to the c...
Howdy. I have nested resource controllers, like so: http://example.org/v1/jobs/1/departments My issu...
I have two tables. One is People. The second is Files. Files contains all uploaded files through an...
I'm currently building out a query using Fluent, and it works correctly - but I'd like to run SELECT...
what i need to do is rollback a migration i did a few days ago. is this possible? i've read the docu...
I have built a business application using Laravel that utilizes several very large datasets. There i...
Hello community, I try to get data via one model from two different tables, so I want to change the...
How can I try to using cache for all of Eloquent query. Example: $users = User::remember(10)->get...
what is best way to make cms and database with laravel 4? Simple cms where users change page content...
In my Car class I have public function user() { return $this->belongsTo('User'); } public fu...
Hello All, So I have some weirdness happening. I'm trying to do a search on a track database that I...
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