Hi! Lets say I have a user-table and create migrations files, eg '2014_05_09_223908_create_users_tab...
Well basically that, when trying to rollback my last migration artisan throws the following error: P...
Hi there, Struggling to get my head around this one, I am trying to get the SUM if a relationships c...
Seeing the latest changes of the User Model and User Authentication in the latest versions of Larave...
Hi All, I am trying to create a relationship between a used by many Ribbon and a User however I want...
##Summary## I am building a music discovery service. My question is: How do I insert data into the t...
I am a Laravel newbie and trying to figure out basic updating. It loads the form data but every tim...
I am pretty new to Laravel, and I am just looking for the best way to get started and learn things w...
Dear friends, I'm using one PROFILE model related with the USER Model. When I authenticated one user...
Hello! I have a many-to-many relationship with decks and cards, something like this: http://laravel....
Hi everybody. I'm new to Laravel and this is the first framework I use, I'm loving it so far. I have...
Hello! I'm starting a new application to interact with an existing database. I'm building a new back...
Hey, i am making a website that i want to sell, and it's a website for a game, and the buyers might...
Hi, I need to be able to access the $site_id in most parts of my application as content will differ...
Hi, I'm new to Eloquent & Laravel. I'm following the line of thinking of using Eloquent models f...
Hi, I would like to implement a Model without a table in Laravel. But, I could not find a help/ refe...
Is there a script to generate seeds for the US States?
Hello all, Is there way to ignore duplicates records on insert. My Code Currently: // Convert json d...
I need to query the database and send an email using the results from the database. I'm not entirely...
Hello friends, as I can implement this transaction with laravel BEGIN; SELECT id FROM turns WHERE es...
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