In the Laravel docs, pagination is showing working with a single database set up. I use multiple dat...
I have created and included repositories using this tutorial:
Hi, I have 3 model tables: publishers, authors, and books (many-to-one relation between publishers-a...
Hi All. I can't get the paginator to work with a calculated SQL field see below for example // this...
I'm currently building a newsletter system for multiple users. Each user has there own set of 'recip...
Hi All, I have a repository to create a new record for residents, but now I need to use the same rep...
Hi, I am trying to format drop down lists items while using lists, SiteSession::where('company_id','...
I've been using integer MySQL columns to store unix timestamp dates and really prefer/like it. I'm j...
Is it possible to use artisan to refresh the migrations without deleting the data? I've setup my mig...
I'm interested in building a solid API for consuming resources from my projects. Would like to hear...
Hi, Help connect Laravel with Oracle 11g xe in Linux.
Total newbie here and having trouble figuring this out. I have a table called users and a table call...
class Cat extends Eloquent { public function user() { return $this->belongsTo('User'...
Just a quick one, i'm struggling to do relationships correctly.. I have 2 tables 'users' and 'files'...
i use to build a query like this: $query->where (col1 - col2) > 2 how can this be done with th...
Hi, I am having trouble with populating a dropdown with values from a relationship. The code below w...
how to retrieve data from database using table formatting
$from = Att::Find(Input::get('pos')); $to = Att::Find(Input::get('to'));...
Hi, This one is completely SQL question. Assuming we have the next query: SELECT *, (SELECT COUNT(id...
Hi .. new to Laravel here .. and learning Eloquent ORM. I have a jobs table. I have a Job.php model,...
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