I'm trying to insert an array of data into db using the below function. User::insert($array) It ins...
Hi, I've 3 models in my app, Document belongs to User or Group: class Document extends Eloquent {...
Hello all, I have large help table: for exmaple: cities table, which contain more than 100,000 recor...
Hello everyone reading this. Ive been into laravel for 3 months right now. Im right now a little stu...
Use Case: Select from users table with certain parameters (group_id, maybe a search term, etc.)...
How Can I delete a migration ? delete the file in migration directory? It doesnt work What should...
I am working in a team with 3 members on a project in Laravel. I'm running Windows on my laptop with...
I noticed that if I $mymodel->forceDelete() an item that has a polymorphic relationship, the row...
Is there any way to do this in either query builder or eloquent so I can easily chain in where claus...
Please see attached StackOverflow link. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/26720555/how-can-i-update...
How can I update record in database? When I tried to use updateOrCreate i just got this error. SQLST...
Hi, I am making photo kiosk application. My problem is how to make an uploaded image as a product? C...
Hi all, I'm very green in Laravel. Could someone pls show me how i can query an existing DB? I have...
Dear All, I create a route: Route::get('/PO/DM/{time}/{number}/print', function($time, $number) { $...
Hello everyone, I have been struggling for a few days with this problem and every possible solution...
$users = Users::create( (Input::only('nickname', 'info', 'age')) ); $insert = Users::create(...
Hi everyone. I need help for a laravel problem. I want to fetch all unfinished projects that belong...
Hi all, I'm a newbie at Laravel. I'm trying to query my Database and have already changed the config...
Hi I'm running homestead on my dev machine. I use postgres as my development database. I'd like to u...
Hey guys, I'm trying to save some form fields to my DB that I am creating dynamically with a button...
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