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posted 6 years ago
Last updated 2 years ago.
moderator Solution

The . suspect that it are 2 nested resources. (See php artisan route:list )

If you use the / Route::resource('chalk/board', 'ChalkboardController'); You will see that you have a chalk/board url with the name board.index.

If you want to have the chalk.board.index as name as well the other names you have multiple options:

1: use the names function:

Route::resource('chalk/board', 'ChalkboardController')->names([  
    'index' => 'chalk.board.index',  
    'store' => '',  
    // and the create, update, show, destroy and edit  

2: Use the name function for each route:

Route::resource('chalk/board', 'ChalkboardController')  
    ->name('index', 'chalk.board.index')  
    ->name('store', '')  
    // and the create, update, show, destroy and edit  

3: Put it in a group with a name:

Route::name('chalk.')->group(function () {
    Route::resource('chalk/board', 'ChalkboardController');
Last updated 6 years ago.

I couldn't find any similar nested routes so it could be a bug? I'm going to go with the route names anyway, I didn't know re-naming resources was so easy, thanks!


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