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Laravel Views
Last updated by @catgelvez01 10 months ago.

Maybe you already figured out the error, in case if you haven't, these might help you a little bit,

  • remove or fix this route Route::get('/modify', function () { return view('form.user'); }); in web.php, possibly route conflict (I am seeing two routes pointing to the same view file)
  • please double-check the $variable name in your case $empleado
  • try dumping $empleado in the view or blade file, for example @dd($empleado), also, make sure to check or dump$empleado in controller as well
  • if returns null or the error persists from view file, maybe the route mismatch, please double-check the controller or route file, rare cases if your project is in application cache, try php artisan cache:clear or other cache commands as well.

Also, this isn't error-related, but if I were you, I might follow RESTful conventions for better readability,

if you are just starting Laravel and haven't watched the Laravel series from Laracasts, I highly recommend to try as well.

Last updated by @kgsint 10 months ago.

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