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posted 5 years ago
Last updated 2 years ago.

@Pt.Agus Setiawan thanks for your message but have you got an idea for my problem ?


This could help: Change your line $up = $dataCandidats::find($id); to something like this: $up = $flights = App\Candidats::where('id', '=' , $id) ->get();

"->save() will work only if the way that I retrieved the object(s) was via the model"

hope it helps.


No need to define new object of the model, just do this in update mehtod:

        $up = Candidats::find($id);

        $up->nom = $request->input('nomCandidat');
        $up->prenom = $request->input('prenomCandidat');
        $up->date = $request->input('dateCandidat');
        $up->lieu_de_naissance = $request->input('lieuNaissance');
        $up->experience = $request->input('nbrExperience');
        $up->email = $request->input('emailCandidat');
        $up->password = $request->input('pwdCandidat');


Also it is not good practise to return a view from update method it will be better to return a redirect respose

Last updated 5 years ago.

I think the solution of Cameron Audet is good. In my model i'm putting this code for my update :

public static function updateById($id, $data)
        return DB::table('candidats')->where('id','=', $id)->update($data);

and my controller is here

$dataCandidats = new Candidats;
$up = $dataCandidats::updateById($id, $request->all());
return redirect('candidats.update')->with('update', 'Yesss!! Le candidat est modifie... ;)');

Now, i have got another error.

Column not found: 1054 Champ '_method' inconnu dans field list

For the update, i'm using method spoofing of laravek but it's a problem. I can create a special column in my database for "_method" and token ?

sorry but i don't understand

thanks so lot for your response


After few hours in my code, i'm resolving the problem. First, i modified my model with this code

public function updateById($id, $data = array())
        return DB::table('candidats')->where('id', '=', $id)->update($data);

And after in my controller, i used this method :

$dataCandidats = new Candidats;

        $dataCandidats->updateById($id, array(
                    'nom'               => $request->input('nomCandidat'),
                    'prenom'            => $request->input('prenomCandidat'),
                    'date'              => $request->input('dateCandidat'),
                    'lieu_de_naissance' => $request->input('lieuNaissance'),
                    'experience'        => $request->input('nbrExperience'),
                    'email'             => $request->input('emailCandidat'),
                    'password'          => $request->input('pwdCandidat')

        return redirect('candidats/' . $id . '/edit')->with('update', 'Yesss!! Le candidat est modifie... ;)');

Cool, now relationship database...see you soon ;)


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