Can you show the code snippet where you are defining the $session
namespace App\Http\Controllers\Panel;
use App\Http\Controllers\Controller; use App\Models\AgoraHistory; use App\Models\Sale; use App\Models\Session; use App\Models\Translation\SessionTranslation; use App\Models\Webinar; use Illuminate\Http\Request; use App\Sessions\Zoom; use Validator;
class SessionController extends Controller { public function store(Request $request) { $user = auth()->user(); $data = $request->get('ajax')['new'];
$validator = Validator::make($data, [
'webinar_id' => 'required',
'chapter_id' => 'required',
'title' => 'required|max:64',
'date' => 'required|date',
'duration' => 'required|numeric',
'link' => ($data['session_api'] == 'local') ? 'required|url' : 'nullable',
'api_secret' => (($data['session_api'] != 'zoom') and ($data['session_api'] != 'agora')) ? 'required' : 'nullable',
'moderator_secret' => ($data['session_api'] == 'big_blue_button') ? 'required' : 'nullable',
if ($validator->fails()) {
return response([
'code' => 422,
'errors' => $validator->errors(),
], 422);
if (!empty($data['session_api']) and $data['session_api'] == 'zoom' and (empty($user->zoomApi) or empty($user->zoomApi->jwt_token))) {
$error = [
'zoom-not-complete-alert' => []
return response([
'code' => 422,
'errors' => $error,
], 422);
$webinar = Webinar::find($data['webinar_id']);
if (!empty($webinar) and $webinar->canAccess($user)) {
$sessionDate = convertTimeToUTCzone($data['date'], $webinar->timezone);
if ($sessionDate->getTimestamp() < $webinar->start_date) {
$error = [
'date' => [trans('webinars.session_date_must_larger_webinar_start_date', ['start_date' => dateTimeFormat($webinar->start_date, 'j M Y')])]
return response([
'code' => 422,
'errors' => $error,
], 422);
$session = Session::create([
'creator_id' => $user->id,
'webinar_id' => $data['webinar_id'],
'chapter_id' => $data['chapter_id'],
'date' => $sessionDate->getTimestamp(),
'duration' => $data['duration'],
'link' => $data['link'] ?? null,
'session_api' => $data['session_api'],
'api_secret' => $data['api_secret'] ?? null,
'moderator_secret' => $data['moderator_secret'] ?? null,
'status' => (!empty($data['status']) and $data['status'] == 'on') ? Session::$Active : Session::$Inactive,
'created_at' => time()
if (!empty($session)) {
'session_id' => $session->id,
'locale' => mb_strtolower($data['locale']),
], [
'title' => $data['title'],
'description' => $data['description'],
if ($data['session_api'] == 'big_blue_button') {
$this->handleBigBlueButtonApi($session, $user);
} else if ($data['session_api'] == 'zoom') {
return $this->handleZoomApi($session, $user);
} else if ($data['session_api'] == 'agora') {
$agoraSettings = [
'chat' => (!empty($data['agora_chat']) and $data['agora_chat'] == 'on'),
'record' => (!empty($data['agora_rec']) and $data['agora_rec'] == 'on'),
$session->agora_settings = json_encode($agoraSettings);
return response()->json([
'code' => 200,
], 200);
public function update(Request $request, $id)
$user = auth()->user();
$data = $request->get('ajax')[$id];
$session = Session::where('id', $id)
->where('creator_id', $user->id)
$session_api = !empty($data['session_api']) ? $data['session_api'] : $session->session_api;
$validator = Validator::make($data, [
'webinar_id' => 'required',
'chapter_id' => 'required',
'title' => 'required|max:64',
'date' => ($session_api == 'local') ? 'required|date' : 'nullable',
'duration' => ($session_api == 'local') ? 'required|numeric' : 'nullable',
'link' => ($session_api == 'local') ? 'required|url' : 'nullable',
if ($validator->fails()) {
return response([
'code' => 422,
'errors' => $validator->errors(),
], 422);
$webinar = Webinar::find($data['webinar_id']);
if (!empty($webinar) and $webinar->canAccess($user)) {
if (!empty($session)) {
$sessionDate = !empty($data['date']) ? convertTimeToUTCzone($data['date'], $webinar->timezone) : $session->date;
if ($sessionDate->getTimestamp() < $webinar->start_date) {
$error = [
'date' => [trans('webinars.session_date_must_larger_webinar_start_date', ['start_date' => dateTimeFormat($webinar->start_date, 'j M Y')])]
return response([
'code' => 422,
'errors' => $error,
], 422);
$agoraSettings = null;
if ($session_api == 'agora') {
$agoraSettings = [
'chat' => (!empty($data['agora_chat']) and $data['agora_chat'] == 'on'),
'record' => (!empty($data['agora_rec']) and $data['agora_rec'] == 'on'),
$agoraSettings = json_encode($agoraSettings);
'date' => $sessionDate->getTimestamp(),
'duration' => $data['duration'] ?? $session->duration,
'link' => $data['link'] ?? $session->link,
'session_api' => $session_api,
'api_secret' => $data['api_secret'] ?? $session->api_secret,
'status' => (!empty($data['status']) and $data['status'] == 'on') ? Session::$Active : Session::$Inactive,
'agora_settings' => $agoraSettings,
'updated_at' => time()
if (!empty($session)) {
'session_id' => $session->id,
'locale' => mb_strtolower($data['locale']),
], [
'title' => $data['title'],
'description' => $data['description'],
return response()->json([
'code' => 200,
], 200);
return response()->json([], 422);
public function destroy(Request $request, $id)
$session = Session::where('id', $id)
->where('creator_id', auth()->id())
if (!empty($session)) {
return response()->json([
'code' => 200
], 200);
private function handleZoomApi($session, $user)
$zoom = new Zoom();
if (!empty($user->zoomApi) and !empty($user->zoomApi->jwt_token)) {
$zoomUser = $zoom->getUserByJwt($user->zoomApi->jwt_token);
if (!empty($zoomUser)) {
$meeting = $zoom->storeUserMeeting($session, $zoomUser, $user->zoomApi->jwt_token);
if (!empty($meeting)) {
if (!empty($session->title)) {
if (!empty($session->locale)) {
'link' => $meeting['join_url'],
'zoom_start_link' => $meeting['start_url'],
return response()->json([
'code' => 200,
], 200);
return response()->json([
'code' => 422,
'status' => 'zoom_jwt_token_invalid'
], 422);
private function handleBigBlueButtonApi($session, $user)
$createMeeting = \Bigbluebutton::initCreateMeeting([
'meetingID' => $session->id,
'meetingName' => $session->title,
'attendeePW' => $session->api_secret,
'moderatorPW' => $session->moderator_secret,
return true;
public function joinToBigBlueButton($id)
$session = Session::where('id', $id)
->where('session_api', 'big_blue_button')
->where('status', Session::$Active)
if (!empty($session)) {
$user = auth()->user();
if ($user->id == $session->creator_id) {
$url = \Bigbluebutton::join([
'meetingID' => $session->id,
'userName' => $user->full_name,
'password' => $session->moderator_secret
if ($url) {
return redirect($url);
} else {
$checkSale = Sale::where('buyer_id', $user->id)
->where('webinar_id', $session->webinar_id)
->where('type', 'webinar')
if (!empty($checkSale)) {
$url = \Bigbluebutton::join([
'meetingID' => $session->id,
'userName' => $user->full_name,
'password' => $session->api_secret
if ($url) {
return redirect($url);
public function joinToAgora($id)
$user = auth()->user();
$session = Session::where('id', $id)
->where('session_api', 'agora')
->where('status', Session::$Active)
if (!empty($session) and !empty($user)) {
$session->agora_settings = json_decode($session->agora_settings);
$agoraHistory = AgoraHistory::where('session_id', $session->id)->first();
if (!empty($agoraHistory) and !empty($agoraHistory->end_at)) {
$toastData = [
'title' => trans('public.request_failed'),
'msg' => trans('update.this_live_has_been_ended'),
'status' => 'error'
return redirect('/panel')->with(['toast' => $toastData]);
$canAccess = false;
$streamRole = 'audience'; // host | audience
$channelName = "session_$session->id";
$accountName = $user->full_name;
if ($user->id == $session->creator_id) {
'session_id' => $session->id,
], [
'start_at' => time()
$canAccess = true;
$streamRole = 'host';
} else {
$checkSale = Sale::where('buyer_id', $user->id)
->where('webinar_id', $session->webinar_id)
->where('type', 'webinar')
if (!empty($checkSale)) {
$canAccess = true;
if ($canAccess) {
$agoraController = new AgoraController();
$isHost = ($streamRole === 'host');
$appId = $agoraController->appId;
$rtcToken = $agoraController->getRTCToken($channelName, $isHost);
$rtmToken = $agoraController->getRTMToken($accountName);
$data = [
'session' => $session,
'isHost' => $isHost,
'appId' => $appId,
'accountName' => $accountName,
'channelName' => $channelName,
'rtcToken' => $rtcToken,
'rtmToken' => $rtmToken,
'streamRole' => $streamRole,
'notStarted' => (!$isHost and empty($agoraHistory)),
'streamStartAt' => (!$isHost and !empty($agoraHistory)) ? $agoraHistory->start_at : time()
return view('web.default.course.agora.index', $data);
public function endAgora($id)
$user = auth()->user();
$session = Session::where('id', $id)
->where('creator_id', $user->id)
->where('status', Session::$Active)
if (!empty($session) and !empty($user)) {
$agoraHistory = AgoraHistory::where('session_id', $session->id)
if (!empty($agoraHistory)) {
'end_at' => time()
return response()->json([
'code' => 200
return response()->json([
'code' => 422
} `
@jamal4sabr a post of more then 400 lines of code is not directly a snippet.
But if I read it correctly the content of what is saved in the $session
variable depends on different flows in your code. (I suspect that is where @faisal wants to help)
The error is probably from this line:
That only works if $session->agora_settings
is set. If you work on PHP 8 you can use the nullsafe operator to solve your problem:
Yeah, sorry, i was pissed off and is not PHP 8, its 7.4. Please any other way out. Thanks I appreciate
tvbeek liked this reply
Thanks for your apology
On PHP 7.4 you can do this:
@if(isset($session, $session->agora_settings, $session->agora_settings->chat) && $session->agora_settings->chat)
It will check if $session
is set, then if $session->agora_settings
is set and if $session->agora_settings->chat
is set.
After that it will check if $session->agora_settings->chat
is true.
jamal4sabr liked this reply
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