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Views Blade
Last updated 2 years ago.

Hey domeinznl,

I plugged this in to the previous code we had.

A couple things,

This won't work, it generates the wrong pattern

$pattern = $compiler->createPlainMatcher('@dmz_route');


The other two options in the compiler won't work either, createOpenMatcher or createPlainMatcher

So a custom pattern to match the @dmz_route('string')

$pattern = '/(?<!\w)(\s*)@dmz_route(\s*\((.*)\))/';

/* - should return 
            	 array (size=4)
				  0 => string '@dmz_route('login')' (length=22)
				  1 => string '' (length=3)
				  2 => string '('login')' (length=9)
				  3 => string ''login'' (length=7)

I removed the extra param $compiler, don't think it would have worked as the calling function in the compiler only passes in one var, the view string.

If you need to do that on a closure try this,

$this->blade->getCompiler()->extend(function($view)  use ($compiler)  { ...

Here is what I got working,

            	// custom regex
            	$pattern = '/(?<!\w)(\s*)@dmz_route(\s*\((.*)\))/';
            	/* - should return in a preg_match
            	 array (size=4)
				  0 => string '@dmz_route('login')' (length=22)
				  1 => string '' (length=3)
				  2 => string '('login')' (length=9)
				  3 => string ''login'' (length=7)
            	// adjusted to use #3 var
             	$replace = '<?php global $router; echo $router->generate($3); ?>';            	            	            	
            	// should replace @dmz_route('login') with  
            	 * <?php global $router; echo $router->generate('login'); ?> 
            	return preg_replace($pattern, $replace, $view);

Hope that helps


Thank you TerrePorter,

It works just as it should. Do you know where I can find some good articles about regex ? Don't know anything about that.

Greetings, Domeinznl


Glad it worked for your.

Actually I don't know of any good resources, I usually just do searches or look at the preg_match reference. Along with a lot of trial and error. The Reg Coach is very useful in testing regex,


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domeinznl domeinznl Joined 7 Sep 2014


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