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Database Views Packages
Last updated 2 years ago.

sorry...but what do you mean by "grid package"?

Last updated 2 years ago.

Take a look at Cartalyst datagrid. It's very powerful. We use it for pretty much everything. It's acceptible fast for huge tables.

I'm sure there are others out there too. Hope it helps.

Last updated 2 years ago.

Just started messing with data-grid as well from Cartalyst. The included front-end plugin makes this a powerful package.

I have used dataTables in the past and worked well for me. You have to prepare your data to make it work with dataTables server-side processing features but it is really good for free.


I tell people to forget datagrids and learn how to do a HTML table with pagination.
This gives you full control. All a datagrid is, is an HTML with links on headers for sorting and maybe a search form at the top of table. Surely you can make a link in a header.


Nah, data-grids are much more powerful than that. See mine,


Are you saying the grid isn't an HTML table?


This looks no different than a bake in cakephp! But you still have control in cake. Why does your video have a fag flipping people off??????????? I did not appreciate that!!!!!

Last updated 9 years ago.

What's wrong with the video... its like its been hacked? The jewellery demo at the end is pretty smart.


jimgwhit said:

This looks no different than a bake in cakephp! But you still have control in cake. Why does your video have a fag flipping people off??????????? I did not appreciate that!!!!!

There is no one flipping anyone off, that's magic man.

yes, a data grid can be much more than just an html table. it's about filtering data and multiple pagination principles.

Also using the term fag is derogatory, demeaning, and unprofessional. I do not appreciate that.

@snapey what was wrong with the video that made you feel it was hacked?

Last updated 9 years ago.

Try Nayjest/Grids for Laravel 4 & 5


  • Data providers (php array, Eloquent model, DBAL query object)
  • Themes support
  • Individual views for UI components
  • Twitter Bootstrap v3 used by default
  • Caching
  • Smart input handling allows to avoid conflicts with get parameters & easily place few interactive grids on same page
  • Component architecture
  • Rich variety of components:
    • CSV & Excel export
    • Records per page dropdown
    • Show/hide columns UI control
    • Sorting
    • Filtering
    • Totals calculation (sum, average value, records count, etc)
    • Pagination
    • etc
Last updated 9 years ago.

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