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Last updated 2 years ago.

Bumpage. Can anyone offer any advice on this?

Last updated 2 years ago.

Try registering the admin-routes before the frontend-route. The {page}-wildcard seems to be intercepting all other routes, so you should put it at the very end of the routes.php.

Last updated 2 years ago.

Cheers for your input sauladam but I had already tried that without success. I've spent around 2 hours on this... :/

Is my understanding of the group correct?

Last updated 2 years ago.

Yes, you're using the group-concept correctly. There are two possible reasons that come to my mind:

  • Some good old copy-pasting-gotcha. Have a close look at your Controllers again and make sure that they are named correctly and do exactly what you want them to do.

  • Some caching issue. If you're working with Laravel 5, make sure to run php artisan route:cache in order to update the route-cache. Otherwise, run php artisan clear-compiled and php artisan optimize and composer dump-auto just to make sure that Laravel picks up on your updates.

Last updated 2 years ago.

Thanks Saul. I'll check this out again.

Is caching an issue with Laravel 4?

Thanks again, Dave

Last updated 2 years ago.

You're welcome :)

Route-caching was / is going to be introduced in Laravel 5, so it's not an issue in Laravel 4.

The rest ('compiling' / optimizing the application, dumping composer's autoload entries) also applies to Laravel 4. When the application starts acting weird in terms of not finding classes / files that are actually there, re-optimizing and re-dumping the whole thing mostly solves the problem.

Last updated 2 years ago.

sauladam said:

You're welcome :)

Route-caching was / is going to be introduced in Laravel 5, so it's not an issue in Laravel 4.

The rest ('compiling' / optimizing the application, dumping composer's autoload entries) also applies to Laravel 4. When the application starts acting weird in terms of not finding classes / files that are actually there, re-optimizing and re-dumping the whole thing mostly solves the problem.

Thanks mate! Working like a dream now. Much appreciate the help :-)

Last updated 2 years ago.

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