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Installation Configuration
Last updated 2 years ago.

I strongly disaggree blaming laravel for this error. It seems more like package's issue. I suggest to open a issue ticket in github page

Last updated 2 years ago.

The repos you've linked to are maintained by third parties, the recommended installation method for Laravel is included in the documentation at, and you should try following that first - before blaming the framework as a whole.

Last updated 2 years ago.

Yes i installed it as recommended at before. As i said before, i tried 3 starter sites very popular and nothing works. I am using php >5.5 , apache 2.4 mod_rewrite ON, composer is global and everything looks good but i don't have any idea why nothing works.

Any recomendation on a starter site? Any recomendation on a registration/login script?

Last updated 2 years ago.

What OS are you using?

Last updated 2 years ago.

Linux Fedora 20

Last updated 2 years ago.

I see that many scripts i try for some reason linux is dening opening files. Yes SELinux is disabled and i can't imagine what could be done more cause i am using a normal user to run the ./artisan serve command in its directory on a terminal window of my Fedora 20 linux and the browser on the same X session with the same user. What more could it be blocking to open files. Any idea on how to solve this?

Last updated 2 years ago.

Do you have another computer you could try an install on, or a windows machine using a virtual box? Wow you have to get laravel up and running. Good luck

Last updated 2 years ago.

Weird that Laravel is working for thousands of others...

Last updated 2 years ago.

Updated title to be less dramatic and more accurate.

Last updated 2 years ago.

So, anyone can please name your system and developing toos arsenal please. I am giving up Fedora 20 and will try yours. Please, describe your development environment. OS + Tools. What are you using to develop? OS ? IDE? phpstorm ? Generators ? Forms Generators and Generators? A starter site script? url?

Last updated 2 years ago.

I have 3 environments running all successfully. I did have a couple hickups with my FreeBDS install. I can't recall what they were exactly but I got through them, they were related to downloading the packages through composer. I think I ended up transfering the files from my WAMP install then ran the updates and dump-autoload and everything went ok after that.

WAMP on Win8... no issues at all. Used Artisan

CENTOS 6... no issues at all. Used composer

FreeBSD... latest and updated. Used composer

If you get stuck I am happy to help.

Last updated 2 years ago.

After 15 days trying HARD to see something working i finally got it. The whole problem was that one script is a FORK of the other, and the error was on the base script making it propagate to all others, got? So, what the error was? If you look at the installation instructions of those scripts, they tell us to copy config files to a "local" directory, and the referenced directory in the file "view.php" must be changed too. Copying ALL files from /app/config to /app/config/local We must change /app/config/local/view.php accordingly. Change paths to 'paths' => array(DIR.'/../../views'). Note the 2 double points "/../../" change from the original 1 double point "../" in the view.php.

Last updated 2 years ago.

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