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posted 9 years ago
Last updated 2 years ago.

Well, this morning, with a fresh mind I found out what the issue was. It's all working as excepted now. Here's what went wrong;

'from' => array('address' => Config::get('email_default_from'), 'name' => Config::get('email_default_from_name')),

It's not possible to refer to the Config facade in this stage.. :-) I replaced the config getters with:

'from' => array('address' => '[email protected]', 'name' => 'My Name'),

And now it's working perfectly fine!

Maybe it's a good idea to add an error message when this kind of errors occur, if this is even possible?

Another few hours spent, but gained a lot more insight in Laravel!

Case closed.

Last updated 2 years ago.

Nice Information but currently I'm usind Ahsay software( for backup. Ahsay Backup Software is a robust cross-platform backup solution which allows businesses and managed backup service providers to backup virtual machines, databases and servers to local / mapped network drive, locally hosted backup server, or online backup server hosted in datacenter. Thanks


what if you did config('email_default_from') can you try & see whether that worked?


Steve-45 = spammer!


i'm also getting ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE


Here’s the mail I got recently for my problem I have been working on 1and1 at home as the above did not work Now I get with Internet Explorer This page can’t be displayed • Make sure the web address is correct. • Look for the page with your search engine. • Refresh the page in a few minutes. • Check that all network cables are plugged in. • Verify that airplane mode is turned off. • Make sure your wireless switch is turned on. • See if you can connect to mobile broadband. • Restart your router. and the same old issue with Chrome Any other suggestions. Can Windows 10 be reset without loosing all programs? Or otherwise try this

Last updated 7 years ago.

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