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Authentication Security
Last updated 2 years ago.

Your allowed() helper might prove to be fatal as it makes lots of database calls and iterates through a lot of data with EACH call to it. And you will be making several calls to this helper.

Insted, try this :

  • Create a accessor in your user model to retrive and cache all the routes the current user is allowed to access.

  • Modify your helper :

if (!function_exists("allowed"))
    function allowed($route)
        if ( ! Auth::check()) return false;
        return in_array($route, Auth::user()->routes);
  • For use within blade views, to place links, create a wrapper to laravel's helper :
if( ! function_exists('acl_link_to_route'))
	function acl_link_to_route($route, $title, $parameters = [], $attributes = []);
			echo link_to_route($route, $title, $parameters, $attributes);
  • Finally, use it in your view file.
	{{ acl_link_to_route('group.edit', 'Edit', ['id' => $group->id]) }}
	{{ acl_link_to_route('group.edit', 'Delete', ['id' => $group->id], ['class' => 'confirm', 'data-confirm' => 'Are... ?']) }}

It will return html a tag link to your route if its allowed, else, nothing.

Last updated 2 years ago.

Would creating the accessor be like this

public function getRoutesAttribute($route){
    return ucfirst($route);

It's in my user model

Last updated 2 years ago.

More like :

public function getRoutesAttribute()
	$routes = $this->groups->each(function ($group)
		return $group->resources->each(function($resource) 
			return $resource->name;

	return array_dot($routes);

Now you can use the Auth::user()->routes in the in_array() check.

Last updated 2 years ago.


Thanks for your help, but the code you gave me isn't working 100%. It doesn't show up when the user is able to access the page.

For example

The user Jane is allowed to access edit groups, which uses

{{ acl_link_to_route('group.edit', 'Edit 1', ['id' => $group->id]) }}

But the user John isn't allowed to access the edit groups page.

Last updated 2 years ago.

I managed to fix it.

I removed

    function allowed($route){
        if(!Auth::check()) return false;
        return in_array($route, Auth::user()->routes);

and put back

if (!function_exists("allowed"))
    function allowed($route)
        if (Auth::check())
            foreach (Auth::user()->groups as $group)
                foreach ($group->resources as $resource)
                    if ($resource->name == $route)
                        return true;
        return false;
Last updated 2 years ago.

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