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Database Eloquent Queues
Last updated 2 years ago.

Sounds like your wanting to receive the number of comments user_id 10 has made?

Using the ->sum() function runs SQLs sum function on the column, which I'm assuming the comment column is a text type, thus running sum won't really do much.

To get a count of the comments a specific user has made on a post

$post->comments()->where('user_id', 10)->count();
Last updated 2 years ago.

iWader said:

Sounds like your wanting to receive the number of comments user_id 10 has made?

Using the ->sum() function runs SQLs sum function on the column, which I'm assuming the comment column is a text type, thus running sum won't really do much.

To get a count of the comments a specific user has made on a post

$post->comments()->where('user_id', 10)->count();

Hi IWader, thank for replaying. In this contex, let's asume the comments is integer. I'm wondering in this $post = Post::has('comments')->first();

I have a foreach to showing some row of post. it looks like this :

@foreach ($theposts as $thepost)
<?php $num=$number++; ?>
$post = Post::has('comments')->first();
$comment = $post->comments()->where('user_id'=10)->sum(comment);
{{$num}}. | {{$comment }}

but the result will be

  1. | 4
  2. | 0
  3. | 0 ... and so on

It won't sum the next row, that's the problem

Last updated 2 years ago.

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