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Last updated 2 years ago.

perhaps the clue is that you have named your field Character_Id but in the code you are saying 'CharacterId'.. you dont really need that btw if your field is actually character_id (note the lower case)


shez1983 said:

perhaps the clue is that you have named your field Character_Id but in the code you are saying 'CharacterId'.. you dont really need that btw if your field is actually character_id (note the lower case)

Thank you for your reply, i'm sorry for the mistake i edited the post, the field name ios actually CharacterId not Character_Id

return $this->belongsTo('App\Guild', 'guild_members', 'CharacterId', 'GuildId');  

is wrong... 'CharacterId', 'GuildId are not the same things but needs to be other way around..


The problem is your relationship.

  1. Can a character be a part of many guilds? If no (so one character can only be in one guild), then you don't need a pivot table. You setup a belongsto and hasmany relationship with no pivot table.
  2. If yes (one character can be a part of many guilds), then you need to setup a belongsToMany relationship both ways with a pivot table.

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