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posted 8 years ago
Last updated 2 years ago.

Is it a realy mindless question or a hard nut to crack? I Googled this topic a lot, but I can not find any direction.

Last updated 8 years ago.

Finally I did a workout, a really ugly one, but functional.

I found out that, the Builder.php in the folder /vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Database/Query does the update queries in the public function update (array $values){...

So in this function befor returning the $this-connection->update(...) i did my logic and works fine.

Now if a record updated, I look up my notification table and if there is any notification for that table that record, and the reference value is different than the updated value, I delet the notification.

I keep this thread unsolved, because this is not what I want, but now I can move to the next stage.


i dont think that is what he is looking for.. is more appropriate...


This is exactly what I needed! You made my day shez1983!

Thanks for all guys, this is a great place for Laravel developers, I will come back regularly! :)


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