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Installation Configuration Architecture
Last updated 2 years ago.

Did you maybe add the 'Shift31\LaravelElasticsearch\LaravelElasticsearchServiceProvider' to your 'providers' array in app/config/app.php before the composer update?

Last updated 2 years ago.

of course I added lines in comoser.json AND in 'providers' array in app.php

Last updated 2 years ago.

dzunik91 said:

of course I added lines in comoser.json AND in 'providers' array in app.php

Sorry, I can see that I didn't say that to clearly.

Step 1, add composer line Step 2, run composer update Step 3, add service provider reference in providers

If you did step three before step two, then it will fail because composer reads the app.php file and is trying to load the service provider file that does not exist.

Comment out the provider reference in app.php then run composer update then uncomment the provider and it should work.

Hope that explains it better.

Last updated 2 years ago.

Thank you for your reply ! But i've faced another problem. After installation when I'm trying to load my page i'm reciving this error:

"Class 'Shift31\LaravelElasticsearch\LaravelElasticsearchServiceProvider' not found"

What's going on this time ?

Last updated 2 years ago.

Please help me guys !

Last updated 2 years ago.

Try a composer dump-autoload, although that should have been automatically done after the composer update...

Last updated 2 years ago.

same error here, how did you solve this?


You may follow this guide here to setup Elasticsearch with Laravel:

This guide is in step-by-step format with all the codes you need to type.


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dzunik91 dzunik91 Joined 10 Oct 2014


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