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Input Database
Last updated 2 years ago.

Try print_r($input) after Institution::create($input);

If you are going to add only admin_id on institution table, why do you pass whole $input.

Last updated 2 years ago.

Can you show us your models?

I'm assuming this is because admin_id isn't mass assignable, which being an ID you don't really want, so you can do it this way to get around the mass assignment problem.

$institution = new Institution;


$user->institution()->save($institution); // Automagically associated the $institution with $user using Laravels relationships

or alternativly

$institution = new Institution;

$institution->admin_id = $user->id;

Last updated 2 years ago.

iWader said:

Can you show us your models?

I'm assuming this is because admin_id isn't mass assignable, which being an ID you don't really want, so you can do it this way to get around the mass assignment problem.

$institution = new Institution;


$user->institution()->save($institution); // Automagically associated the $institution with $user using Laravels relationships

or alternativly

$institution = new Institution;

$institution->admin_id = $user->id;


That perfect! Thank you

Last updated 2 years ago.

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