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Authentication Input Database
Last updated 2 years ago.
$user = User::where('member_number', $member_number)->where('pin', $pin)-first();


The Auth::attempt method can already do that for you.

if (Auth::attempt(['member_number' => $member_number, 'pin' => $pin])) {
	// Credentials pass and Laravel will log the user in 

Thank you both for your replies, I am new to laravel and i do not have a clue where i must use that. Must i add the fields to the user table? do i create another table?

Currently the login uses mail and password. I need to keep that for admin then i need to have a login where they will only use the member number and the pin. This will show different menu's and functions than admin. I do not have a problem (yet) with the other menu's and functions, it is just the login that i do not know how to handle because i need to authenticate them to know with who i am working with do do certain things.


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