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IOC Views Architecture
Last updated 2 years ago.

One way would be to name your routes as the class you want to use in your body tag (i.e. users-show-all). Then, in a base controller constructor, you could get the current route and share it globally to all views:

In BaseController.php

public function __construct()
    $name = Route::current()->getName();
    View::share('routeName', $name);

Then $routeName will be available in all views (so long as all controllers extend BaseController and its constructor is being called, and your routes are named). I'd suggest not blindly using $routeName and instead checking if it's set before echoing it out in the body tag.

Last updated 2 years ago.

I found out even easier solution with View::composer() method. In my /bootstrap/start.php I put:

View::composer('layout', function ($view) {
    $action = Route::current()->getAction()['controller'];
    $action = class_basename($action);
    $action = snake_case($action);
    $action = str_replace(array('@', '_'), '-', $action);


And then in my layout.blade.php:

<body class="{{{ $body_class }}}">

Works like charm.

Last updated 2 years ago.

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