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Views Blade
Last updated 2 years ago.

-1- Start with a page from the template that does fit your requirements the most (e.g.

-2- Paste this into your main layout file (e.g. layouts/main.blade.php)

-3- Replace assets calls to css, js and images with the appropriate helper

<link href="{{ asset('css/bootstrap.min.css') }}" rel="stylesheet"> 

-4- Separate logical parts of the template like topbar, sidebar, navigation into sections and partials

    <div id="wrapper">

        <!-- Navigation -->

        <div id="page-wrapper">
        <!-- /#page-wrapper -->

    <!-- /#wrapper -->

-5- Replace everything that needs to be dynamic like text for multi lingual apps or building of the navigation hierarchy with the corresponding functions

That should do the job

Last updated 2 years ago.

Hello pixelpeter I tried your solution but theme for metronic not work show theme is white what the solutions .

Last updated 2 years ago.

Sorry, but with this few information I can't help you any further

Last updated 2 years ago.

Thanks pixelpeter

Last updated 2 years ago.

i have 5 files 1- header.php (icludes css and js files) and its content is static 2- top_menu.php (welcome xxx, you have x messages) ist content dynamic 3- left menu.php (left menu) dynamic content (for admin or moderator menus) 4 footer.php static content

5- lots of page_content.php

Are the files (numbered above 1 and 4 (static content)) position into layous folder with code like {{ asset('/global/plugins/jquery.min.js') }} .. Are the files (numbered above 2 and 3 (dynamic content)) position into views folder near the page_content.php ? what code includes these files @extends or @include / which code is usable for what. what for @yield and @section codes. when will we use and where.. Another and finally question is: is it possible to user mo files for language because language.php file(which return array of text) is not usable as poedit for translators who doesnt know programming.


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