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Last updated 2 years ago.


When using Laravel Forge you provide it with the API key of your DigitalOcean account. With that done, using Laravel Forge you can deploy a single server or multiple.

Using Laravel Forge you can also configure multiple projects on a single droplet so no need to worry there. Once you deploy a droplet you gain access to another panel where you can manage and create multiple projects on this droplet.

I have a single droplet running many website/applications using this service.

Hope that confirms things for you.

Last updated 2 years ago.

I also missed your last question.

Laravel Forge will configure your server for you, essentially doing what that document explains plus installing MySQL and few other things.

If you plan to FTP into your droplet and manage your projects that way, then there still need to be some configuring involved when it comes to updating the NGINX config to point to your individual projects (the documents you linked to explains that).

If you want to use Laravel Forge to do this for you too. I would suggest putting your projects onto a free private BitBucket account and then using Laravel Forge you can essentially 'connect' to these projects and deploy them every time their updated.

Last updated 2 years ago.

So you want me to install Laravel projects in /var/www/laravel like /var/www/laravel/public/project-name ?-

Last updated 2 years ago.

Within Forge, under 'Server Details' is a tab named 'Sites'. Here you provide the 'Root Domain' ( and then an optional 'Web Directory' (public).

Your apps would appear under /home/forge/ or /home/forge/

Last updated 2 years ago.

Figured out a solution myself. I just created a index.php at /var/www/laravel and linked to sub directories to laravel projects.

You all miss the part where I said that I don't own a credit card. It's nice to know more about Forge but it only makes me jealous because I won't be able to use it because they don't support any other payment method than paying with credit card.

Last updated 2 years ago.

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