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Configuration Session Cache
Last updated 2 years ago.

strange it works perfect using ampps just tested ampps is better then wamp


marcosmessias said:

Look this

I have tried all the options there any didn't have any luck. I was unable to start memcached.exe as a service. It may be due to the fact that the file they supplied was x32 and I am on a x64 machine.

It doesn't show up as a php extension either.

DeeJaVu said:

strange it works perfect using ampps just tested ampps is better then wamp

I don't have any experience with ampps but I will look into it.

Has anyone else run into this issue?


The error occurs when >3 of the same ajax requests come from different clients.

I am trying to test the functionality and performance of a segment of the application I'm working on. So I when I have 4 browsers opened and send 4 ajax requests (1 request from each browser) one of the browsers gets the following error.

FatalErrorException in MemcachedConnector.php line 51: Class 'Memcached' not found

Could this be because I am testing using 4 browsers on my computer? Would this happen in a production environment?


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