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Blade Forms
Last updated 2 years ago.

Weird. Can you post your view that also just lists out the team members already assigned?


Is it possible that your list consists of another form? Nested forms don't work in HTML.

Do you get an exception after submitting the form?


also check whether this line: {!! Form::open(array('action' => 'ProjectController@addTeamMember')) !!} is adding a method of post automatically for you..

also you dont say what actually happens when you click on submit button?


Check "php artisan route:list" if everything is set up as you expect.


Thanks so much for the replies! Walked away from the 'puter for the evening after I didn't get any further.

Just spent 20 mins formatting my reply with code views etc... to find that this is now working... I have NO idea what was preventing this from working last night -- and i don't have a code commit to run a diff on to see what changed (cause I didn't commit a broken feature)...

Chalk it up to code blindness. I suspect it may have been the order of my route commands -- that one was superseding my endpoint for this method.

Truly appreciate the replies.

Last updated 9 years ago.

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