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posted 10 years ago
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Last updated 2 years ago.

So you are actually trying to get the passed value to literally be {{id}} and not just $id? Because if you are just trying to pass the value, just do URL::route('viewUser', [$id]);.

Last updated 2 years ago.

Thanks for the reply, but yeah I'm want the literal '{{id}}'. I'm using Blade to pre-process Mustache templates, so I want


to output{{id}} 
Last updated 2 years ago.

What is it currently outputting? Just a urlencoded version of what you want? If so, why not just do urldecode(URL::route('viewUser', '{{id}}')) ?

Or are you saying blade is trying to process {{id}} ? If so, @{{id}}.

Last updated 2 years ago.

Right now,


will result in the { and } getting urlencoded:

I appreciate your efforts nesl247, but this is not an issue with Blade really. It's view-related only in that I want the URL for use in a view.

I had a similar issue with HtmlBuilder::link() which by default will escape the title attribute. I can just extend it with my own HtmlBuilder::link() implementation and I'm good to go. But UrlBuilder gets loaded so early, I haven't been able to figure out how to extend or replace it with a custom implementation.

Last updated 2 years ago.

Why not just:

{{ URL::route('viewUser') }}@{{id}}


Last updated 2 years ago.

Yeah underparnv I should've mentioned that. That works, but it quickly gets messy and/or difficult, e.g. when the {{id}} is not at the end of the URL. For example if my desired output were this:{{id}}/messages

I finally came up with a "good enough" solution. Since all I care about in this case is allowing curly braces for use by Mustache, I decided to just extend the URL facade, and explicitly declare the route() method there with a simple str_replace() call. Here's a gist:

This won't work for HTML::linkRoute() but in my case I rarely use that method anyway; instead I do HTML::link(URL::route()) as a habit, so the output goes through my custom facade and everything works.

The interesting take-away is to remember that facade classes depend on __call(). You can bang out some custom functionality just by explicitly declaring the method within a custom facade.

Last updated 2 years ago.

Duh...was only looking at the example provided and not thinking about the problem completely. Nice solution!

Last updated 2 years ago.

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